Mission Statement

Strapline: “Sharing God’s love at the crossroads”.

Purpose: to make new Christians to ensure a sustainable Christian presence in Hipperholme & Lightcliffe.

Christ Church Hipperholme & Lightcliffe exists to be a people of worship that:

  • Enables people to deepen their relationship with God in Christ.
  • Encourages people to develop strong, healthy relationships of Christian love with others.
  • Engages with our local community and beyond to build relationships and offer God’s love.
  • Expresses practical love and concern for those who are marginalised or who suffer because of poverty, loneliness or injustice.
  • Encourages and enables people to share the Good News and bring others to faith.

This mission will be demonstrated through:


  • a variety of forms of worship which are inclusive and accessible to all.
  • being a praying community.
  • being a safe and welcoming community for all.

Learning and Caring

  • the creation of a culture of lifelong learning and discipleship.
  • a focus on the wellbeing of every person in contact with the church.
  • working in partnership with other agencies and community groups, showing hospitality and generosity.


  • the use of the facilities of the Church to serve the local community and to build a strong sense of community.
  • giving consideration to the environmental impact in decisions about the current use of and future development of the church building.
  • taking action on behalf of, or to support those, suffering injustice in the wider world.


  • the sharing of the good news by telling of God’s love for all.
  • speaking and living in a way that draws others to Jesus.
  • running courses (such as Alpha) for those exploring faith.

It is the role of the Leadership Team, operating through other groups in the church, to ensure that this Mission Statement influences the whole life and mission of the Church.

The Leadership Team will prayerfully review this statement annually to seek God’s guidance for our future life and mission.

Agreed by Leadership Team 08.04.2024

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